If you know anything about Aleana Hand then you know that not only are their products of the highest quality on the worldwide market, but also that the founders are true inventors at heart. Continuously bringing new and original products and solutions to the table, always with our needs in mind.
With full hands, half hands, fingers, thumbs, and even a half foot in a vast choice of colours and hyperrealistic finishes on offer, you may wonder what else can they introduce to their range of products?
Perhaps male hand? No! They already have Axel—the world's first male practice hand. So what is it this time?
The first, original, handsome MALE practice thumb!
Yes! Aleana Hand introduces the first, original, male practice thumb. How is it different from the already available female thumbs?
It's bigger, longer and wider than the female thumb with more prominent skin details and veins.
It's masculine and very handsome. It is the Big, Strong Brother in the family. Furthermore, it holds the biggest tips for an even bigger canvas for your art and practice.
It comes in all skin colours available throughout the range and the options of one colour or the hyperrealistic LifeLike or TrueTan finish of your choice.
The cuticle area of the male thumb is meticulously manicured, as are all Aleana Hand practice supports.
You can also choose between the versions of embedded magnet for the original 4 in 1 magnetic holder and hands-free practice or without a magnet if you prefer to hold it in your hand during work.
As always I am very excited and here are the reasons why you should be too.
Get the male nail art under your thumb!
If you haven't yet, read our previous blog: “Hands down, you need to offer MENicure!”
You will learn that male nail art is NOT a new or passing trend, it's here to stay. You will also find out why men are the perfect clients for your salon's popularity and how much potential revenue you are missing out on, by not offering male orientated nail services.
Axel's full practice hand is stunning, and it has many benefits. However, the newest addition to the family, male thumb is a great and inexpensive tool for practice and close up photos of your male nail art as well as an invaluable video content tool.
The masculine shape and details of the thumb compliments and highlights nail art for men. It will grab attention and make your social media content stand out of the crowd. It will let your potential new clients know you provide male friendly nail services, but that's NOT all.
The biggest canvas.
We all know that generally male hands are bigger than female hands and therefore nails too.
Male thumb fits nail tips no.0 which means you can use those large, spare tips you have left over from buying a full set of sizes.
Or better, you can now purchase nail tips size 0 separately, especially for the male thumb.
They come in packs of 50, in a choice of clear or natural colour, so grab a few with your next order and get your creative juices flowing.
By the way, did you know you can also purchase separate size 1 nail tips for female thumbs and size 4 for ring fingers? If you didn’t, you can find it here.
Male thumb is NOT only for male nail art.
Everything new we learn seams to be difficult at first, and it's no different with nail services.
Be it nail art, colour application or acrylic bead size and consistency, it takes time and practice before it becomes neat, refined, and effortless.
If you are a beginner, or you learn how to use a new nail system or nail art technique, then you know exactly what I mean.You will also know that the smaller the nail, the more difficult it is to pack in all the features of your nail art composition without sacrificing the details or design.
Creating work you are not satisfied with can over time diminish your motivation and allow procrastination to creep in. In some cases, you may give up altogether due to belief that you just can't do it, you haven't got the talent, or simply it's not rewarding enough for the time and effort. So what can you do?
3 Rules of thumb
2. What you don't practice, you lose over time.
Regularly refresh the techniques you don't use every day.
3. Set yourself up for success.
Don't set the bar so high you will trip over it. Set it high enough, so you have to push yourself to get over it, and once you can do it effortlessly you know it's time to raise it a little more. Repeat.
“Make sure that you always have the right tools for the job. It's no use trying to eat a steak with a teaspoon, and a straw.” - Anthony T. Hincks
The thumb and finger practice supports by Aleana Hand are the perfect tools for short and frequent practice sessions. Both male and female. Male thumb in particular due to the biggest nail tip size.
It's ideal for practising nail art individual elements such as freehand painting, one stroke, 3D flowers and other elements, design composition, acrylic bead applications, encapsulated designs and much more.
It doesn't have to be male nail art. First of all, the male thumb is an incredible practice tool, you can create and practice anything you want. Once you learn to easily create what you have in mind on the male thumb, you can raise the bar and scale down the nail tip size to the female thumb.
Working on one nail, means your practice sessions will be shorter. You won’t get tired, frustrated and start making mistakes. Frustration is the enemy of learning.
Completing your work on one nail tip is faster, easier and more enjoyable than creating a full set or abandoning it half way due to tiredness or frustration of learning something new.
The more you enjoy it, the more you will want to practise.
The less time it takes, the more frequently you will find time for it.
Having the best tool and schedule for the job will make your practice easier, more enjoyable, boost your motivation and confidence, give you a sense of achievement and create a lasting habit which in turn will massively accelerate your progress!
Let's be brutally honest.
Do you have a regular practice schedule to refresh and learn new skills and techniques? Do you stick with it?
I know that for many years I didn't. I practised a lot, but in an inefficient and ineffective ways, often hours at the time, without breaks, usually, at night with huge gaps between sessions.
Regular practice was a big game changer to my growth and confidence in my work.
If it sounds familiar, you should also give it a go, and you'll be amazed by your results and capabilities.
FormsFix compatible!
Male thumb can be used for sculpting on nail forms with the bigger, 4cm FormsFix.
The bigger nail tip size is perfect for creating championship worthy creative nail shapes or a masterpiece for your social media to showcase your skills and create buzz.
It is also important for us to now and then get out of our comfort zone of salon shapes and quick nail art and let our creativity take over, you might be surprised where it will take you.Remember, routine is the enemy of art!
Aleana Hand brought together something SPECIAL for you!
The magnetic thumbs are so popular that Aleana Hand grouped special kits and collections for you at great prices and even threw in incredible freebies!
1. Magnetic Practice LifeLike Thumb KIT
✓Nordic Winter (fair skin tone with cool undertone)2. Set of 6 Silicone Practice LifeLike Male Thumbs with Embedded Magnet:
✓Winter (light-colored skin tone with neutral undertone)
✓Autumn (warm, golden, medium color skin tone with warm undertone)
✓Indian Summer (warm skin tone with gold-yellowish undertone)
✓Summer (golden brown, chestnut, dark skin tone with warm undertone)
✓TrueTan™ Summer (upgraded version of the LifeLike colouring to Summer skin tone products. It represents dark skin person's real hand to the finest details: natural colour variation and perfect blending of colours between the sides of each finger)
3. Nail Tips of your choice (Natural or Clear)
4. Practice Holder Support Base of your choice
2. Magnetic Practice LifeLike Thumb COLLECTION
Collection includes: 3 Silicone Practice LifeLike Thumbs with Embedded Magnet
Choose your favourite 3 Skin Colours out of the range of 6. This includes the astounding, Aleana Hand signature TrueTan!
3. Magnetic Practice LifeLike Finger Starter KIT
1. Magnetic Practice LifeLike Finger of your choice
- Female Practice Thumb
- Male Practice Thumb
- Practice Ring Finger
2. Magnetic 4 in 1 Practice Holder
3. Practice Holder Support Base of your choice
- Arctic White Silestone
- Sparkling Black Silestone
- Iced White Silestone
Black Granite]
4. Nail Tips of your choice in corresponding size
- Natural
- Clear
With such a choice of astounding practice supports and great offers, you can create your custom bundle to learn, refresh or refine your skills.
Don’t allow the excuse ‘’I don't have time to practice’’ to stand in the way of your dreams, to grow your business, to take part in championships or whatever else your goals are. You can start with 15-minute sessions, just do it, and do it often.
Invest in the best tools, invest your time and effort wisely, create an efficient and effective practice schedule, stick to it and watch yourself creating things you never thought you are capable of.
Most of all, enjoy the process and don’t forget to give yourself thumbs up for your effort ad dedication.
Stay safe and have fun x